Thailand Travel Is What You Need This Year

Have you ever been travelling in Thailand? If not then I hope this article will persuade you to try it out as soon as possible! Thailand has absolutely everything needed for any type of holiday, from Adventure Travel to beach holidays, you’ll be hard pressed to find a country as good as this spectacular destination.

I loved Thailand so much that I decided to make it my home and I haven’t looked back. It seems that when me and my friends aren’t busy we’re of on one of the Mudita Adventures discovering more about this adopted home of ours. 

Here are 3 reasons why everyone who visits Thailand falls in love with the place:

The People 

Did you know that Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles? Well, that’s because the people here are so friendly. Coming from London I can tell you that when you walk down the street you don’t get many people smiling at you! The exact opposite can be found in Thailand, when you stroll along and make eye contact with the old lady running a food stall she smile and you smile back, it makes you feel so good about the people and your surroundings.

The Food

I loved Indian food, I’m addicted to the stuff but I can say that without doubt, Thai food wins every time! Every meal you have is fantastic and bursting with flavour. Be careful when you first start ordering food because it can get a bit spicy, but that just adds to the fun. If you want some recommendations; Pat Krapow, Som Tam, Laard Moo Tod and Penang curry are all going to make your mouth water.

The Weather

The weather in Thailand is awesome for most of the year, there is a rainy season but to be honest it never rains all day long and when the rain disappears the temperature soon resumes it’s lovely level around 30. The best times for a holiday would be between November – February, you get lovely warm weather during the day and cooler evenings where you may even pop on a pair of jeans without sweating! If you love the scorching heat then March to May is what you’re looking for because it is absolutely boiling!

Have you been to Thailand? I would love to hear all about your trip!

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